Crime Victim Survey

Crime Victim Survey

We need your help in evaluating our services to the citizens of Johnson County. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions about your contact with our office. Thank you for your help as we try to improve the quality of our services to the citizens of our community.

Steve Howe
District Attorney

Please mark all of the boxes that apply to you.
Very Good Good Fair Poor NA
Victim Impact Statement enabled me to express the effect of the crime on me/my family/my business. *
Effectiveness of services provided by the Victim Assistance Unit. *
Appropriate referrals to other agencies, as needed. *
Knowledgeable about the criminal justice system. *
Put you at ease about what to expect. *
Please rate the following based on your contact with the Unit.
Please comment on ways our office can improve services offered to crime victims.
Are there any services with which you were not provided that would have been helpful to you?

Thank you for your assistance. Please click the “Submit” button below to return your completed survey.